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HOGWARTS HOLIDAYS tells the magical story of the wizarding world of Harry Potter and his friends and immerses you in a world of your own imagination. The show invites you to leave your everyday life behind and immerse yourself in a world of fantasy with breathtaking visuals and an original musical accompaniment to the festive mood.
HOGWARTS HOLIDAYS is a unique production on the border between physical theatre and circus, comedy and magic that combines circus art and figure skating in one show on the ice arena, specially created on the stage of each hall. The show is a complete story with unique costumes, sets and video sequences that will allow you to immerse yourself in J.K. Rowling's magical universe like never before.
Throughout Platform 9¾, viewers will take an unforgettable journey through the corridors of Hogwarts, attend a Quidditch match, and then together defeat the Dark Lord and make it to the Holiday Ball.
The circus show performers impress with gravity-defying acrobatics combined with unique figure skating skills. And the interactive effects, striking visuals and lighting design enchant every spectator.